Wednesday, February 9, 2011

When in Rome.....

I have learned that when in Rome you do no just "do as the Romans do," but have to do as the Romans do.  In the midwest (or at least the places I am accustomed to) getting on the bus is not something you have to get prepared for.


You have to fight the riders coming off or standing in the door to get onto the bus.  You have to get on fast enough to beat the doors because they may only be open for 5-10 seconds.  Then you put up with the people who find it necessary to move from the front to the back.


The spot you moved to has the same density of people as the spot you came from... maybe I am missing something?  Maybe if I knew more the language I would ask the next person who has to push their way through the mass of people lining the bus why they think they really have to move.  Eh,  maybe this is just a little culture shock or need to feel the open expanses of Iowa again.

Moving on..

Rome is awesome!

In the last few weeks here is what has been on my schedule:
Class-  more class hours than I had back at ISU?  Yeah I figured it would be the other way around.

Food- I have eaten more pasta/pizza than anyone should.  I forced myself to NOT eat any pasta or pizza for 2 days after a solid month of it for lunch and dinner.  Ugh,  where is Pancheros!!!

Class trip-  We when to Baia, Paestum, Pompeii, Naples and Capri last week.  Best part was Capri. It is amazingly beautiful.  Worst part was Naples at night.  They have garbage issues and the # of motorcycles on the sidewalks was insane.

Pics of the trip:
View from Baia thermal baths

From the hotel in Paestum 

There are a lot of these sweet BMW X6's here but paired with the Porsche it made a pretty good picture

Greek Temples at Paestum.  Insane
Pompeii Ruins
Yes,  the Romans had brothels...  take a closer look ;)
Mount Vesuvius
Theater at Pompeii
Thats just a few of the pics.

This week in class our Italian speaking class just ended and drawing has started up.  We went to Piazza Navona yesterday and did some sketching of Bernini's fountain (i cant show you because the class just started... sketches sucked).

Training is going as well as it can.  We just need to stop taking these trips so can sit and recover more.  All of the walking is making me tired!

Thats all for now.  Enjoy life!

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